Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author or authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. Neither the European Union nor the entity providing the grant can be held responsible for them.
Welcome to The

AI Leaders Project

Our project aims to improve AI education by promoting ethical and applied use of AI, focusing on university-level business and management students. We want to teach both the ethical principles and practical applications in AI and entrepreneurship. The goal is to prepare future business leaders to develop and apply AI solutions that align with European values and ethical guidelines, creating a highly skilled workforce across Europe.

"Artificial intelligence and generative AI may be the most important technology of any lifetime."

Marc Benioff, chair, CEO, and co-founder, Salesforce

Introducing the Partners of the AI Leaders Project

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AI’s Impact on the Climate: Addressing the Carbon Footprint of Innovation

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Introduction to AI Leaders project

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In this era of profound digital transformation, it’s important to remember that business, as well as government, has a role to play in creating shared prosperity — not just prosperity. After all, the same technologies that can be used to concentrate wealth and power can also be used to distribute it more widely and empower more people.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than a technological trend; it's a pivotal force shaping the future of economic development and social progress. As a set of technologies that combine data, algorithms, and computing power, AI has the capability to transform industries, solve complex problems, and improve quality of life. Given its strategic importance, the European Digital Strategy has rightly identified the need for "ethical, secure, and cutting-edge AI made in Europe." Universities have a unique role to play in this landscape. They can be the crucibles where ethical AI is not just studied but also shaped, ensuring that the next generation of business leaders are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of an AI-driven world.

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Project Activities


Responsible AI Case Studies & Introductory Toolkit

Aimed at educators in business and management faculties, providing foundational knowledge on AI, its real-world business applications, and emerging ethical issues


AI OERs (Open Educational Resources) for Business Management:

A set of flexible open education resources based on real-world case studies that lecturers can use to teach and implement AI-based assignments in their programmes.


AI in Business Management Hackathons:

An interdisciplinary approach to teaching ethical considerations in AI and business to students, which will be systematised in a guide for other institutions to replicate.

Project Partners
